in scheduling

in scheduling


INFOPLAN is an Advanced Planning System. It is possible to create finite capacity schedule accordingly to a company model in which the production is based on orders and which aims to minimize the production of lots destined for stock.

Brief functional description of InfoPlan

Maximum utilization of the production
equipment. In process companies like that
of film producers, it is fundamental to have
a good use of the machinery in order to
keep production costs under control. For this
reason, INFOPLAN’s starting point is the creation
of a detailed master plan for the extrusion
lines for each running period (usually a day
or week) and for each extrusion line.

Product Container Editing

Efficient operating programming

Operative programming allows for the
preparation of the production on the extrusion
lines and collection of data regarding the
production feedback. Moreover, it supplies the
follow-up needed for the creation of a realistic
production planning.

Order confirmation

Communication between sales and production

The creation of a production forecast can and
must be used to monitor the flow of orders.
By using INFOPLAN, it is possible to know when
a new order arrives and the most reasonable
delivery date. Alternatively, INFOPLAN can
suggest a number of actions to take in order to
make a delivery feasible. Having a tool that
facilitates dialogue between the Sales
Department and Production (INFOPLAN is
visible to both) greatly improvs the efficiency
of the business.

Infoplan use advantages

  • improve ability to keep to delivery dates
  • ­faster response time to changes
  • ­efficient sequencing of products
  • ­allocation to the production lines
  • ­greater flexibility (reduced planning time)
  • ­possibility to carry out “WHAT IF” analyses
  • ­instrument for controlling production costs and operating management
  • sale and production forecast
  • ­grouping according to thickness
  • ­quantity available and assigned
  • ­evidence of delays
  • ­minimum Lots
  • ­product-Customer-Period Capacity Reservation
  • ­order Confirmation
  • FILTRO integration



INFOPLAN is an Advanced Planning System. It is possible to create finite capacity schedule accordingly to a company model in which the production is based on orders and which aims to minimize the production of lots destined for stock.

Brief functional description of InfoPlan

Maximum utilization of the production equipment. In process companies like that of film producers, it is fundamental to have a good use of the machinery in order to keep production costs under control. For this reason, INFOPLAN’s starting point is the creation of a detailed master plan for the extrusion lines for each running period (usually a day or week) and for each extrusion line.


Efficient operating programming

Operative programming allows for the preparation of the production on the extrusion lines and collection of data regarding the production feedback. Moreover, it supplies the follow-up needed for the creation of a realistic production planning.

Product Container Editing

Communication between sales and production

The creation of a production forecast can and must be used to monitor the flow of orders. By using INFOPLAN, it is possible to know when a new order arrives and the most reasonable delivery date. Alternatively, INFOPLAN can suggest a number of actions to take in order to make a delivery feasible. Having a tool that facilitates dialogue between the Sales Department and Production (INFOPLAN is visible to both) greatly improvs the efficiency of the business.

Order confirmation

Infoplan use advantages

  • improve ability to keep to delivery dates
  • ­faster response time to changes
  • ­efficient sequencing of products
  • ­allocation to the production lines
  • ­greater flexibility (reduced planning time)
  • ­possibility to carry out “WHAT IF” analyses
  • ­instrument for controlling production costs and operating management
  • sale and production forecast
  • ­grouping according to thickness
  • ­quantity available and assigned
  • ­evidence of delays
  • ­minimum Lots
  • ­product-Customer-Period Capacity Reservation
  • ­order Confirmation
  • FILTRO integration


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